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Preparing for your session

*Sessions can take place online or in person. The effect is exactly the same


It is up to you to decide how much you want to do to prepare for our session. In truth, the most important and only requirement is to trust the process and yourself! But, many of you benefit greatly by learning to quiet the mind, reading some helpful articles to debunk myths and provide relevant information, and also by doing some practical things like practicing.


Learn to Quiet your Mind

If you are not a regular meditator now is the time to begin. A quiet mind that is not filled with racing or looping thoughts is your best asset in a BQH session. This is an excellent YouTube video that explains exactly what meditation is and why it is important.


Meditate in silence a minimum of 10-20 minutes per day or use the following YouTube nature sounds with headphones to help reduce outside noise interference.

Forest Birds


Waterfall Sounds


Ocean Waves


Binaural Beats with music

Creating Intention and Begin Affirmation

It is important to begin to intend, from the very moment you have decided to schedule an appointment, to have clear and direct communication with that part of you that is able to provide healing and information. Let’s call that part of you, your Higher Self.


“I have clear and direct communication with my Higher Self.”

Note the tense of this sentence. It’s not “I will have” it’s “I have.


You can then repeat this intention either silently or out loud throughout your day and most importantly, right before you go to sleep at night. Put a “post-it note” on your bathroom mirror to remind you and you can focus upon your intention as you brush your teeth and prepare for bed.


Leave Expectations Behind

Intentions and expectations are completely different things. Specific expectations about what you are about to experience are not at all helpful. Also, why you may absolutely remember and “be present” for your entire experience.

This is a video created by Candace Craw-Goldman and Dolores Cannon about expectations in any Quantum Healing session


Practice by listening to pre-recorded regressions

There are many resources on YouTube. Here is a practice regression video with Candace Craw-Goldman and Alice Mixer. Play along with this video multiple times until you are able to find your surprise in your own closet.


Practice Visualising and using your Imagination

Your Higher Self uses your imagination as a language to speak to you. Absorbing that idea and doing a bit of preparation to stimulate your imagination is a good way to prepare. Here are some additional articles written by Candace Craw-Goldman that will get you and your imagination primed and ready to have a session:


Common Hypnosis Myths

Simply put, no, you will not simply go to sleep and wake up with all of your problems solved and no, it is not required that you go so deep into hypnosis that you become unconscious.


Please read the following article about common misperceptions about regressions and hypnosis.


Additional Preparation Information

Here is a great article about how to prepare with more article links embedded in that one.


Prepare a List of Questions and Concerns

You will want to prepare a list of questions and concerns (between 5-12 questions). As your facilitator, I ask that you actually write this list down on paper and hand it to me at our appointment or create a word document and send it prior to the session via email.


Please neatly hand write the list or print it out on the computer so that I might easily read your questions during the session. Also, put these questions and concerns in order of importance to you as we may not be able to address them all. It really does not matter how many you come up with, only that you put them in order of importance.


What kind of questions? The general rule is to ask personal questions or keep topics related to your personal life. Here are a few examples:


  • I have had asthma since birth. Why? Can it be healed?

  • I am in a new love relationship. Is this person the right one for me?

  • I really dislike my job and would like to quit and find a new one. Should I?

  • I have a difficult relationship with my sister. Why is this so and can it be resolved?

  • Many years ago, I had something strange happen to me. (This could be a dream, vision, feeling, or experience) What exactly happened, and why?

  • I have a lifelong interest in (name ANY subject) can we explore this in-depth?


As your facilitator I have my own prepared list of “standard” questions I can ask if you are focused upon only one or two issues, so don’t worry if you have a shortlist. Also know that I keep your written list for my files, so make an extra copy if necessary.


Preparation on the Day and After the Session is Over

If you are a regular coffee or tea drinker, please don't feel as if you have to completely go without before your session, just go easy. You might choose to decline that second cup or try a half cup instead as to avoid a caffeine headache.


Light exercise prior to your appointment, like a long walk, is an excellent way to prepare for a successful session. This is another good time to repeat your intention. We want your body relaxed, but your mind quiet and alert and engaged.


As much as possible, clear your day for the session. We begin by talking, going over the process, and your questions. Then you get comfortable and relaxed and we begin the actual hypnotic “regression.” Afterward, we go over what was experienced, and we make sure you are awake and grounded for the rest of your day.


It is generally not a good idea to have additional appointments after your session or plan a long drive ahead of you (unless you are in the passenger seat). Having a BQH session is very much like participating in a long, very detailed and involved daydream. You really will feel as if you have just returned from an amazing journey, having visited other worlds and lifetimes, and in fact, you will have done just exactly that.


It is best to have some time to process your experience and give yourself an opportunity to fully return to your regular conscious day-to-day reality before attempting any complex mental tasks or strenuous physical activity.


After our session, I will prepare your digital recording and send either an MP3 file or a Zoom download recording link to your selected email address. Please download your file as soon as you receive the link and make a backup copy as the files will be deleted after some time.


Listening to your session in the days and weeks and even months ahead can be a very valuable component of your BQH session. Even if your conscious mind “remembers” the session immediately afterward, it can, just as some dreams can, begin to fade from your memory, even if you had an “unforgettable” experience! In addition, further energetic downloads of information may be enhanced by repeat listening.


Also, any healing or life improvement suggestions can and will be reinforced by listening repeatedly to the audio. One goal of quantum healing is to have your conscious mind “get on board” and align with your Higher Self and its goals and accept any changes or healing you intend to occur.


Finally, remember that I am always interested in hearing from you in the future and encourage you to drop me a note or leave feedback on my review page and let me know how the BQH session has affected your life.


Technical Information

Online sessions are held using ZOOM, an easy web-based video meeting system. You must have Zoom installed on your device. You will need to have a headset or earbuds with a microphone attached. I will send you a personalised LINK for our session appointment.


Please practice using Zoom and test out all of your equipment and your internet connection with a friend before our session! You will not want to spend our valuable session time focusing on your equipment.

Here is a one-minute video on “How to join a Zoom meeting”




158 Regents Park Road, Southampton, SO158NY, United Kingdom

©2020 by Quantumhealinguk

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